Registered with Government of Nepal, 177/063 | Affiliated to Social Welfare Council (SWC), 20031.


MITRA Samaj, officially registered as a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Nepal in the year 2006 under Section 4 of the Association Registration Act of 2034, specializes primarily in conducting research and offering evidence-based solutions. Over the years, it has demonstrated excellence in the development and execution of Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Campaigns, Advocacy and Awareness Raising Programs, Capacity Building Interventions, Social Marketing of health products and services, as well as Disaster Response, with a predominant focus on health but also extending its efforts into non-health sectors.

Key Expertise


Conducted over 70 researches that tackled pivotal health, education, and various social challenges, utilizing globally recognized designs and methodologies, for bilateral and multilateral organizations, INGOs, and other development partners. And counting.

Social and Behavior Change Communications

Executed several Social and Behavior Change Communication programs to effectively educate, motivate, and empower communities to adopt healthier behaviors and creating positive social change.

Capacity Building

Adeptly strengthened 50+ government and non-government capacities at federal, provincial and local levels through targeted training, planning, and technical support, including aiding Tanzanian agencies in high-risk zone GIS mapping with USAID's assistance.


Provided technical support in conducting evidence-based advocacy on 100+ priority issues related to health, education, disaster, and education, to raise awareness, influencing public policy, and driving systemic change to address social problems and improve overall well-being.

Disaster Response

Strategic partner of ADRA Nepal for disaster emergency response, MITRA Samaj provides rapid emergency support during emergencies.

Social Marketing

MITRA Samaj creates, communicates and deliver value to influence target audience behaviors that benefit society (public health, safety, the environment, and communities) as well as the target audience
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Featured Videos

Our expertise in creating high-quality audio-visual materials is demonstrated through the successful development and dissemination of these resources, effectively conveying vital information on key issues, rights, and services to a wide audience.


These materials have played a pivotal role in educating communities on health, environmental issues, social norms, and other developmental topics. Through targeted content, we have influenced attitudes and behaviors, contributing to positive social and health outcomes, and have been instrumental in advocating for policy changes and fostering community engagement. Our ability to distill complex concepts into accessible and comprehensible formats has made these materials invaluable as guides and references in various development interventions.

Strategic Alliance

MITRA Samaj has a strategic alliance with 72 NGOs/CBOs in 48 districts of Nepal. This partnership connects the resources of partners and creates synergies in the program implementation.

Clients And Partners