Our Introduction
Established in 2006 under Nepal’s Association Registration Act of 2034, MITRA Samaj is a distinguished non-governmental organization (NGO) renowned for its expertise in research, capacity building, social and behavioral change communication, health program implementation, advocacy, social marketing, and disaster response. While primarily focused on health, our initiatives also encompass various non-health sectors.
To date, MITRA Samaj has conducted over 70 research projects, addressing critical health, education, and social issues using globally recognized methodologies. These projects have been undertaken for a range of clients including bilateral and multilateral organizations, international NGOs, and other development partners.
In the realm of Social and Behavioral Change Communication, MITRA Samaj has excelled in implementing programs that effectively educate, motivate, and empower communities, fostering healthier behaviors and catalyzing positive social transformation.
Our efforts in advocacy are marked by providing evidence-based technical support on more than 100 priority issues in health, education, disaster management, and more. These initiatives have significantly contributed to raising awareness, influencing public policy, and effecting systemic change for societal improvement.
We have also successfully enhanced the capacities of over 50 governmental and non-governmental entities at federal, provincial, and local levels. This includes providing technical support for GIS mapping of high-risk zones in Tanzania, in collaboration with USAID.
Our strategy development and execution focus on promoting behavior changes that benefit society, thus improving individual and community well-being. Our flagship social marketing initiative, MITINI, is dedicated to breaking menstrual taboos and promoting menstrual hygiene management.
MITRA Samaj’s proficiency in creating audio-visual materials is evident in our impactful development and dissemination of these resources. These materials have been instrumental in educating communities on various developmental topics, influencing attitudes and behaviors, and advocating for policy changes. Our ability to simplify complex concepts into accessible content makes these materials a valuable resource in diverse development interventions.
Forging strategic alliance with 72 NGOs/CBOs across 48 districts in Nepal, MITRA Samaj leverages this partnership network to enhance resource connectivity and synergize program implementations.
Annual Report
Our Objectives
- Implement programs/projects by providing technical assistance (such as capacity building, social marketing, research and management support) to partnering organizations to fulfil basic human rights and alleviate poverty.
- Use evidence-based advocacy through research, policy review, and other means to empower marginalized communities in the best way possible way.
- Implement programs/projects that benefit society at large through strategic alliances at the local and grassroots levels.
- Conduct research and provide technical support to contribute to improvement in health, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), gender-based violence, communicable and non-communicable diseases, biodiversity, conservation and climate change, disaster risk reduction, and poverty alleviation.
- Implement capacity building and human resource development programs by working with NGOs, CBOs, civil society organizations and other institutions to contribute to developing a strong and vibrant civil society.
- Develop a wider network and forge partnerships to contribute to achieving institutional goals and inclusive development at the national and international levels.
- Implement Social Marketing and Strategic Behavior Communication campaigns to achieve positive behaviour change to contribute to the improvement of health and WASH, including menstruation.
- Implement empowerment programs for disadvantaged women, Dalits, and other ethnic groups to increase their access to income-generating initiatives thereby contributing to poverty alleviation.
Core Values
Our organization’s activities, services, and programs are consistent with our stated missions, compatible with our organizational capacity, respectful of the interests of our varied constituencies, and managed with the highest level of professionalism.
Care and Loyalty
As organizations we enable our board members to exercise their duties of care and loyalty. Individual board members are reasonably informed and participate in board decisions in good faith. They do not use their position for individual personal advantage.
We can accomplish our missions through the generosity of others. We respect donors’ intentions and restrictions on the use of their gifts and promote responsible stewardship of the resources they entrust to us for the accomplishment of our work.
Truth-telling and Openness
We provide truthful information about our missions, program activities, use of donations, and finances. We are accessible and responsive to members of the public who express an interest in the affairs of our organizations.
We support and encourage visionary governance, exemplary management, excellent service and program delivery, and exceptional staff. We value and uphold the highest ethical and professional standards in all working relations.
We incorporate a sustainability approach to our programs and research in a way to balance environmental, social and economic aspects to meet the current needs of stakeholders without compromising or overburdening future generations.
Good Citizenship
We comply with national and local laws and regulations. We keep the broader interests of the community in mind even as we advance our specific interests, and look for opportunities to become partners with those working in the private and public sectors. We value respectful, reasoned dialogue with one another when we disagree.
Respect and Dignity
We respect the dignity and autonomy of each person, and the integrity, privacy, pride, beliefs, and cultures of our varied constituencies—the people we serve, our employees, donors, volunteers, and others. Policies that govern our working relationships with these constituencies (e.g., client confidentiality, fair process) reflect this commitment.
The true measure of our success as non-profits is whether individual lives—and our communities—change for the better as a result of our work. Being mission-focused, producing measurable outcomes, conducting program evaluations, and developing and maintaining sound financial management are important elements of our accountability.
Executive Committee
MITRA Samaj is governed by 7-member elected Executive Committee comprising of university professors, renowned researchers, development professionals, etc.
The Executive Committee provides strategic direction to the organization by formulating strategic plans and relevant plans and policies, and ensure the compliance and adherence to the core values of MITRA Samaj for achieving the mission, goals and objectives of the organization.
The Executive Committee members provides technical inputs and advices in the project design process and often lead projects depending upon the expertise. The committee supports the senior management team of MITRA Samaj in expanding the pool of professionals and experts by establishing and strengthening professional relationship with thematic experts for designing and implementing its projects. The committee also focuses on exploring, identifying and responding to project opportunities through project design, grant documents writing, public relations, etc.
Ms. Tara BedanSedai
Disability Rights Activist/Researcher
Ms Indira Devi Mainali
Mingma Tamangi
Development Professional
Joint Secretary
Ankita Shrestha
Mr. Vivek Singh Thakuri
Researcher/Professional Communicator
Joint Treasurer
Reva Adhikari
Dr. Prakash Dev Pant
Thakuri holds a university degree in Management from Kathmandu University School of Management and is a PhD scholar at a university in Rajasthan, India. He is a graduate in professional studies in Social Marketing from the University of South Florida, USA, and Communication Strategies from Phoenix Institute for Professional Studies, UK. He is a certified trainer and practicing professional in advocacy and networking from HeRWAI, Netherlands, and a trained photojournalist from the International Institute of Journalism Berlin (IIJB).
In addition to his professional roles, Thakuri is a multifaceted individual, working as a Development Professional, Communication Expert, Researcher, Social Entrepreneur, National and International Award-Winning Actor, Singer, Songwriter, and a Popular Media Personality known for his Radio and Television shows.
On the social development front, he has led or co-led various research and communication projects commissioned by UN Agencies and INGOs. His key expertise includes project design, strategy development, and taking the lead in project implementation.
On the mass media front, Mr Tamang has produced and hosted radio programs on Environmental Cycle Radio (ECR FM 104.2 MHz) and Radio City FM 98.8 MHz in 2005. In 2013, Mr Tamang took on the role of Co-Editor at WAVE, Nepal’s leading English youth magazine. From 2015 until 2020, he held the position of Editor at the 28-year-old publication. His strategic leadership was instrumental in successfully planning and executing the editorial content for 96 editions, marking a significant accomplishment in his career.
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